

MPI oppsto i dialogen med en gruppe praksisveiledere fra Richmond School District (Vancouver, Canada) som samarbeidet med MPI forskere over en periode på to år for å utvikle undersøkelsen. Lærerne som var involverte inkluderer: Ann Augustine, Dianne Coulter, Joni Cunningham, Tina Grigoriadis, Stephanie Hardman, Lee Hunter, Jane Kinegal, Bianca Li, Jeff Mah, Karen Martin, David Partridge, Leonard Pawer, Sandy Rasoda, Kathleen Salbuvik, Mitch Ward, Janet White og Frederick Weil. Forskerne som var involverte inkluderer: Valerie Triggs, Wendy Neilsen, John Collins og Anthony Clarke.

Siden den gang har en rekke andre forskere blitt involvert i den pågående utviklingen og analysen av MPI data.

Sentrale publikasjoner

MPI er en validert undersøkelse slik det er rapportert i:

Clarke, A., Collins, J., Triggs, V., & Neilsen, W. (2012). The mentoring profile inventory: An online professional development resource for cooperating teachers. Teaching Education. 23(2), 167-194. 

Clarke, A., & Mena, J. (2020). An international comparative study of practicum mentors" Learning about ourselves by learning about others. Teaching and Teacher Education.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2020.103026

Andre publikasjoner

Clarke, A., & Mena, J. (2021).  Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Mentoring Profile Report.  Centre for the Study of Teacher Education: Vancouver, British Columbia.  Available: https://cste.educ.ubc.ca/aitsl-2021-mpi-report

Faikhamta, C., Mena, J,. & Clarke, A. (2020). Mentors approach to practicum mentoring in the Spanish and Thia contexts: A two-cohort comparison using the Mentoring Profile Inventory.  International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 9(2), 169-185.

Faikhamta, C., & Clarke, A. 2019). Thai Cooperating Teachers’ Motivations and Challenges in Supervising Student Teachers During Their Internship Program.  Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 40(3), 567-573.

Nielsen, W., Mena-Marcos, Juan-José, J., Clarke, A., O’Shea, S., Hoban, G., & Collins, J. (2017). Australia’s Supervising Teachers: Motivators and Challenges to Inform Professional Learning. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 45(4), 346-368.

Clarke, A. &, Collins, J. (2017). Comparative Work Within The Context of Practicum Settings: A First Look At What Motivates and Challenges Cooperating Teachers From Five Countries . In Xudong Zhu, Lin Goodwin and Huajun Zhang (Eds.) Quality of Teacher Education and Learning: Theory and Practice. Springer: Heidelberg.

Lu, L., Wang, F., Ma, Y., Clarke, A, & Collins, J. (2016). Exploring Chinese teachers’ commitment to being a cooperating teacher in a university-government-school initiative for rural practicum placements. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 36(1), 34-55.

Neilsen, W., Clarke,A., Triggs, V., & Collins, J, (2011), The Teacher Education Conversation: A Network of Cooperating Teachers. Canadian Journal of Education, 33(4), 837-868.


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